Cyber incident
- We are able to help manage the lifecycle of a cyber incident, related investigations, and litigation. A key component is providing crisis and reputational management services to our clients following a cyber incident or data breach, as well as excellent customer service, in a seamless and timely manner. As part of the role, there is also the opportunity to support the pre-incident risk advisory practice.
- we will help Complete the incident reports outlining the status of the incident, remediation activities, as well as post-incident reviews.
- we are going to Ensure the incident is fully communicated, recorded, and tracked in accordance with our existing frameworks.
We can serve our clients in the scope of Cybercrime in all its forms, in more than one context:
- Cyber-dependent crimes and Cyber-enabled crimes because we know the technical form on which these crimes are based, we can analyze them from legal and technical aspects and preserve the rights of our clients.
- We will represent you before the court of law and the authorities that you will face in all stages in any case.